Agile + DevOps East 2023 Concurrent Session : Tales of Dojo Coaching—Insights for All

Conference archive


Wednesday, November 8, 2023 - 11:45am to 12:45pm

Tales of Dojo Coaching—Insights for All

In the agile space, do you ever wonder why we use words such as "transformation" and "journey"? It's because it's really freaking hard. As an Agile coach, there are days when you move a group one step forward only to realize that they've fallen two steps back. You are part practitioner and part therapist. You experience frequent memory lapses like "I could've sworn we've worked on this anti-pattern before." Or, did you? What day is it again? Now, imagine throwing gasoline on that by condensing a team's journey into six weeks. What breakthroughs might emerge when we accelerate the journey using hands-on, intensive coaching? Well, no need to imagine this six-week mania because it's a real thing called dojo coaching. Join Jess Brock, author of The Dojo Coach's Pocket Guide, as she shares her lessons and insights that can only be gained from getting down into the weeds with dozens of teams. This talk is not limited to dojo coaches! Any coach can find value in these insightful and action-driven stories of a humble dojo coach just trying to do some good in the world.

Edward Jones

Jess Brock is a dynamic Agile coach, technologist, and author who has been involved in developing tech products since the mid-2000s. She has also served as a full-stack developer, scrum master, product owner, people leader, instructor, and entrepreneur. Jess attributes her diverse career experience as one of her greatest strengths because it enables her to coach with sincere empathy and experience. Former agile skeptic, Jess was eventually convinced by a colleague to give agile a try more than a decade ago. Her personal transformation was so impactful that Jess continues to contribute to the broader agile community to this very day. Most recently Jess has poured her energy into immersive learning dojos as a preferred means of developing longstanding skills. She is the proud author of The Dojo Coach’s Pocket Guide.