Agile + DevOps East 2023 Concurrent Session : AutoOps: Harnessing the Power of AI-Augmented Testing with Generative AI

Conference archive


Thursday, November 9, 2023 - 11:45am to 12:45pm

AutoOps: Harnessing the Power of AI-Augmented Testing with Generative AI

In the rapidly evolving landscape of software development, Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) have emerged as pivotal methodologies for delivering high-quality software at an accelerated pace. To ensure the reliability and robustness of software releases in such an environment, the marriage of cutting-edge technologies becomes imperative. Incorporating Generative AI into business process automation seemed daunting just a few years ago. However, the availability and popularization of OpenAI/ChatGPT and other AI/ML technologies have made it a closer reality, and now it has become a priority for most SDLC teams. Jonathan will talk about the different applications of Generative AI in the software delivery world, and the best part is that you don’t have to be an expert in AI to attend. Join him to learn how to implement some of the good practices he will share. The future of software development is here, and you can be a part of it!

Jonathon Wright photo

Jonathon Wright is a strategic thought leader and distinguished technology evangelist. He specializes in emerging technologies, innovation, and automation and has more than 25 years of international commercial experience within global organizations. He is the Chief Technologist and heads up Product Engineering (R&D) for Keysight Eggplant. Jonathon combines his extensive practical experience and leadership with insights into real-world adoption of Cognitive Engineering (Generative AI). Jonathon is also a member of Harvard Business Council, A.I. Alliance for the European Commission, chair of the review committee for the ISO-IEC 29119 part 8 Model-Based Testing and part 11 for the Testing of A.I. based systems for the British Computer Society (BCS SIGiST). He also hosts the QA Lead podcast and has authored several award-winning books (2010 – 2022), the latest with Rex Black on ‘AI for Testing.’