Agile + DevOps East 2023 - Product Ownership | TechWell

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Agile + DevOps East 2023 - Product Ownership

Monday, November 6

Steven Granese
Compass Productivity

Product Ownership 2.0: Navigating the New Demands of Agile Leadership

Monday, November 6, 2023 - 1:00pm to 4:30pm

Many Agile organizations wildly misunderstand the crucial role of the Product Owner. Historically the role focused on being the voice of the customer for a development team. However, the exponential pace of the digital age requires today's Product Owners to be genuine product leaders by maintaining continuous alignment with broader groups of stakeholders while utilizing sophisticated techniques that solicit rapid feedback. This interactive tutorial will explore tools for communicating with the Product Owner's three primary constituents - Leadership, Customers, and Development Teams. First...

Tuesday, November 7

Mary Thorn
S&P Global Ratings
Natalia Kuzmina
S&P Global Ratings

Creating a High-Performance Agile Team

Tuesday, November 7, 2023 - 8:30am to 12:00pm

Many teams have a relatively easy time adopting the tactical aspects of agile methodologies. Usually, a few classes, some tools’ introduction, and a bit of practice lead teams toward fairly efficient execution. However, these teams are quite often simply going through the motions—neither maximizing their agile performance nor delivering as much value as they could. Borrowing from their experience and lean software development methods, Bob Galen and Mary Thorn explore high-performance team patterns, which are the thinking models of mature agile teams, including large-scale emergent...

Jeff Payne

Agile Project Failures: Root Causes and Corrective Actions

Tuesday, November 7, 2023 - 8:30am to 12:00pm

Agile initiatives always begin with high expectations—accelerate delivery, meet customer needs, and improve software quality. The truth is that many agile projects do not deliver on some or all of these expectations. If you want help to ensure the success of your agile project or to get an agile project back on track, this tutorial is for you. Jeffery Payne discusses the most common causes of agile project failure and how you can avoid these issues or mitigate their damaging effects. Poor project management, ineffective requirements development, failed communications, software development...

Mary Thorn
S&P Global Ratings
Natalia Kuzmina
S&P Global Ratings

The Craft of Highly-Effective Agile Leadership

Tuesday, November 7, 2023 - 1:00pm to 4:30pm

Based on the learning objectives from the iCAgile, Leading with Agility workshop, this ½ day version will explore the craft of agile leadership in guiding your journey to becoming a catalyst leader. Along the way, we'll explore the why of leading with agility, how to develop and grow your personal agility, tactics for developing and deepening your organizational relationships, and approaches for leading cultural and organizational transformation. Critical topics include your responsibility in shaping a culture that is inclusive, safe, empowered, aligned, and results/impact-focused. We also...

Ignite Insight + Innovation

Approaching Conflict Productively

Tuesday, November 7, 2023 - 1:00pm to 4:30pm

When it comes to high-performing teams, conflict is inevitable and necessary. The very essence of gaining the best value outcomes is a result of leveraging the wisdom of various perspectives and experiences. Those variances will generate conflict. Yet, this is only a negative if we are unequipped with the knowledge and tools to embrace and approach conflict.  In this tutorial, expect to unpack the differences and the relationship between conflict and drama.  Discover tools for helping all voices be heard.  Plus, have fun practicing skills in preparing how to react to conflicts productively...

Thursday, November 9


Transforming User Requirements to Test Cases Using Model-Driven Software Engineering and Natural Language Processing

Thursday, November 9, 2023 - 10:15am to 11:15am

Testing continues to be the main approach to ensuring software quality during development. Although there have been many attempts to automate the generation of test cases from user requirements (formal or informal), creating test cases continues to be mainly a manual process. However, many studies have shown that automating the generation of test cases from requirements can substantially reduce costs and improve the efficiency of the testing process. Test automation has also been proven to show positive effects on software quality. With the advances in Model-driven Software Engineering (...

Jonathon Wright photo

AutoOps: Harnessing the Power of AI-Augmented Testing with Generative AI

Thursday, November 9, 2023 - 11:45am to 12:45pm

In the rapidly evolving landscape of software development, Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) have emerged as pivotal methodologies for delivering high-quality software at an accelerated pace. To ensure the reliability and robustness of software releases in such an environment, the marriage of cutting-edge technologies becomes imperative. Incorporating Generative AI into business process automation seemed daunting just a few years ago. However, the availability and popularization of OpenAI/ChatGPT and other AI/ML technologies have made it a closer reality, and now it...