Agile + DevOps West 2020 - Agile Teams & Leadership | TechWell

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Agile + DevOps Virtual 2020 - Agile Teams & Leadership

Wednesday, June 10

Bob Galen

Self-Care for Agile Leaders

Wednesday, June 10, 2020 - 10:30am to 11:30am

Servant leadership is a wonderful aspiration—serving your team, serving your peers, serving your leaders, and serving your organization. It’s an egoless and selfless endeavor and central to the agile mindset. But what often can get lost in all of this service is service to oneself. It may seem counterintuitive, but placing service to self first helps us serve others all the better. In this collaborative session, we will deeply explore the notion of leadership self-care, delving into aspects beyond simply taking time off or exercising. We'll take a step back and look at what gets in the way...

Pavel Azaletskiy
EPAM Systems

Using the Numbers behind Agile and DevOps to Measure Productivity

Wednesday, June 10, 2020 - 11:45am to 12:45pm

With the increased pressures of digitization and the speed and agility required to keep pace, many companies know that digital transformation is necessary but don’t know where to start. Agile frameworks claim productivity solutions, and DevOps practices focus on the build-and-release cycle component of the productivity puzzle, so both have gained wide enterprise adoption. But neither agile nor DevOps inherently defines engineering optimization. Join Pavel Azaletskiy as he shares what he's learned from consulting with over a hundred engineering organizations and teams. The best...

Jean Dahl

Leading Lean: The Modern Approach to Enterprise Transformation

Wednesday, June 10, 2020 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm

Are you struggling to understand why your transformation efforts just don't seem to be producing the expected results, despite all of your planning and effort? Enterprise transformation is much more than the mechanics of teaching your Scrum teams to sprint and building a magnificent DevOps pipeline. Somehow, on our journey to agility, lean leadership aspects were left behind, to the point that lean and agile have become disconnected schools of thought. Agile was born out of lean, so how did this happen? Let's have a lively discussion about how to reconnect the dots so that today's...

Thursday, June 11


The How and Why of Full-Service Ownership

Thursday, June 11, 2020 - 10:00am to 11:00am

High-performing software development teams are focused on customers and taking greater ownership of their production stack. The tricky part is teaching these teams how to tackle the operational challenges that come with full-service ownership. Julie Gunderson will discuss how to implement a model where development teams are both empowered to own their full-stack production deployments and equipped to manage common software lifecycle operational issues like reducing alert fatigue and learning from failures.

Steven Granese

Everything I Learned about Agile Coaching I Learned in Little League

Thursday, June 11, 2020 - 11:30am to 12:30pm

What does teaching a 7-year-old how to hit a baseball have to do with agile coaching? After coaching Little League for eight years, and agile teams for ten years, Steven Granese thought he was an expert at both. Last year, while attending a New York Yankees coaching clinic, he quickly realized that he had much to learn. Rather than focusing on isolated mechanics, the Yankees believe in coaching toward achieving measurable outcomes. Their approach allows players to learn the “how” at their own pace through self-discovery and experimentation, which allows for deeper learning and longer-...

Gautham Pallapa

The Lean Agile Diet: A Healthy Way to Transform Your Enterprise

Thursday, June 11, 2020 - 3:30pm to 4:30pm

Enterprise transformations are daunting—they require changing the operating model of an organization through people, process, technology, and culture. This necessitates having teams drive to identified business outcomes, learning new ways of working along with new technology stacks. While there is no formula for success, there are several successful patterns that Gautham Pallapa has observed in his interactions with organizations in different domains and levels of maturity on the lean and agile spectrum. Gautham will share his strategic framework to follow that he has successfully used at...


Coaching Is the Product: Build and Measure Your Product Context

Thursday, June 11, 2020 - 4:45pm to 5:45pm

When we talk about products in agile, we typically think of software. But any product or service can benefit from agile. If you are struggling to make that mental shift from software products to delivering a customer-focused service, this is the session for you. Tricia Bailey and John Eisenschmidt will show how to use agile to establish a coaching office and lead your transformation by "sipping your own agile champagne." Learn how to use product definition tools and practices, sprinkle agile principles throughout, and cultivate healthy, self-organizing teams.