if(trackingNum != 'null'){ } EPIC Experience 2020 Concurrent Session : Web Application Testing: Beyond Theory into Practice

Conference archive

Wednesday, April 22, 2020 - 4:00pm to 4:30pm

Web Application Testing: Beyond Theory into Practice

Have you ever wondered how other people test applications—not in theory, but in practice? What were their thought processes? How did they model the application? What tools were used? How did they track the testing? That's what this talk is all about. Alan Richardson will give a short case study of testing an open source web application. Using an open source application ensures there is no commercial confidentiality about the procedures or tools, and throughout the demonstration, Alan will explain his thought processes, coverage, approaches, tools used, risks identified, and results found. From there, he will help you generalize this information into reusable models and principles that can be applied to your own testing. Join Alan to get some answers into the “what?” and the “why?” of practical exploratory web testing.


Compendium Developments

Alan Richardson is a software development and test consultant who helps teams improve their approach to agile development. Alan is the author of four books and several online training courses, as well as the programmer of the digital marketing tool Chatterscan.com and various other testing support and training applications. Alan blogs at EvilTester.com, and you can find him on most social networks as @EvilTester.