Agile + DevOps West 2023 Concurrent Session : The Impact of Leadership Effectiveness

Conference archive


Thursday, June 8, 2023 - 1:30pm to 2:30pm

The Impact of Leadership Effectiveness

Leaders often don’t realize how their style impacts the people around them or their business results. Effective leaders give their businesses strategic and competitive advantages. During times of transformation, people’s feelings are heightened, from loss of control, interruption of power, fear of failure. We fall into reactive fear-based patterns instead of coming from a place of curiosity and creativeness. Organizations that commit to growing more effective leadership find they attain and sustain high levels of business performance. We are all leaders and can involve our entire organization to bring awareness and improve leadership skills. In this session, attendees will gain a better understanding of relationship between leadership effectiveness & business results, possible ways to achieve your leadership effectiveness & how to build a development plan to increase your leadership effectiveness, and ways to scale those leadership skills to your teammates.


Dorothy Aubut is a thought leader and change agent passionate about partnering with executives and organizations to deliver maximum business value, reduce waste, and continuously improve products, efficiencies, and peoples’ abilities to adapt. Unlocking people and team's potential to maximize their own performance. She has over 20 years’ experience in the IT space within many different domains and has spent the last 15 years coaching organizations on not only the way they work but also transformation from project to product, leadership development and organizational design.