Agile + DevOps West 2023 - Agile Teams & Leadership | TechWell

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Agile + DevOps West 2023 - Agile Teams & Leadership

Thursday, June 8


What Does a DevOps Manager Do?

Thursday, June 8, 2023 - 10:00am to 11:00am

As a DevOps Manager, Jessica Fritsch often finds herself educating people about what she does and why she does it whenever she joins a new team or organization. She also finds engineers have lots of questions about management and if they really want to go down that path in their career. This session will address both of these problems - educating people about what a DevOps Manager's job is like, so that current DevOps Managers and engineers looking to get into management have a answer to the question, "What does a DevOps Manager do?" Highlights from this session will include a day in the...

Xebia Academy

The Power of Personal Engagement

Thursday, June 8, 2023 - 11:30am to 12:30pm

Two steps forward in professional scrum. Come and explore the advantages of personal engagement. What makes a team thrive? How do you increase the maturity of a scrum team? What tools can you use to wake up from zombie scrum? Do you want to understand how to increase your team's engagement and help your team grow? In this session, we will help you advance forward by using scientific principles and practical tools by starting with personal engagement. We will share how to increase personal engagement, we will provide you with tools to get everyone involved, and we will help you gain insight...


The Impact of Leadership Effectiveness

Thursday, June 8, 2023 - 1:30pm to 2:30pm

Leaders often don’t realize how their style impacts the people around them or their business results. Effective leaders give their businesses strategic and competitive advantages. During times of transformation, people’s feelings are heightened, from loss of control, interruption of power, fear of failure. We fall into reactive fear-based patterns instead of coming from a place of curiosity and creativeness. Organizations that commit to growing more effective leadership find they attain and sustain high levels of business performance. We are all leaders and can involve our entire...