Agile + DevOps East 2023 - Continuous Integration/ Continuous Delivery | TechWell

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Agile + DevOps East 2023 - Continuous Integration/ Continuous Delivery

Monday, November 6


Introduction to DevOps with Chocolate and LEGOs

Monday, November 6, 2023 - 8:30am to 12:00pm

Organizations today can no longer afford to deliver new features to their respective markets once a year or even once a quarter. In the attempt to catch up with the competition, they jump onto DevOps journey starting with the "How" and losing the sight of "Why" and "What". Join this gamified simulation tutorial to gain a solid understanding of foundational principles of the DevOps culture. Experience the benefits of DevOps transformation even before initiating one in your enterprise! This tutorial is ideally designed for organizations that are evaluating their approach to DevOps...

Tuesday, November 7

Phil LaFrance

Supercharge Your Workflow: To GitHub and Beyond

Tuesday, November 7, 2023 - 8:30am to 4:30pm

Whether you are new or experienced with GitHub this class is for you! Supercharging your workflow caters to anyone who wants to enhance their Agile and DevOps process with the capabilities of GitHub. GitHub has long been the premier site for open-source projects and is now turning a pivotal corner into becoming the predominant platform for all aspects of the development lifecycle. Some examples of this include; protecting company code through various GitHub Products or curating marketplace actions and workflows prior to use. This tutorial will look at how to leverage GitHub Actions (CI/CD...

Jeff Payne

Agile Project Failures: Root Causes and Corrective Actions

Tuesday, November 7, 2023 - 8:30am to 12:00pm

Agile initiatives always begin with high expectations—accelerate delivery, meet customer needs, and improve software quality. The truth is that many agile projects do not deliver on some or all of these expectations. If you want help to ensure the success of your agile project or to get an agile project back on track, this tutorial is for you. Jeffery Payne discusses the most common causes of agile project failure and how you can avoid these issues or mitigate their damaging effects. Poor project management, ineffective requirements development, failed communications, software development...

Jeff Payne

What DevOps Means for Testers and Testing

Tuesday, November 7, 2023 - 1:00pm to 4:30pm

DevOps is more than a buzzword or a passing fad. It's a radically new approach to rapidly deliver high-quality software applications. However, many organizations don’t fully grasp the magnitude of this change or what it means for everyone involved in the software development lifecycle. Jeffery Payne says that DevOps—when done right—drives higher quality and efficiency into software development, software testing, and application management activities. It empowers teams to remove impediments to quality and productivity throughout the entire software lifecycle. However, when DevOps is done...

Ignite Insight + Innovation

Approaching Conflict Productively

Tuesday, November 7, 2023 - 1:00pm to 4:30pm

When it comes to high-performing teams, conflict is inevitable and necessary. The very essence of gaining the best value outcomes is a result of leveraging the wisdom of various perspectives and experiences. Those variances will generate conflict. Yet, this is only a negative if we are unequipped with the knowledge and tools to embrace and approach conflict.  In this tutorial, expect to unpack the differences and the relationship between conflict and drama.  Discover tools for helping all voices be heard.  Plus, have fun practicing skills in preparing how to react to conflicts productively...

Wednesday, November 8

Dell Technologies
Dell Technologies

High Octane DevOps: Supercharged CI/CD Pipelines

Wednesday, November 8, 2023 - 10:30am to 11:30am

To reinvent the wheel is to attempt to duplicate, most likely with inferior results and technical debts. Within a large-scale organization the true cost of CI/CD is the toil involved when effort is repeated to create the same or similar pipeline functionality. What Prashant and March discovered during a CI/CD journey is that the key to creating powerful and efficient CI/CD or automation testing pipelines is in not writing pipeline logic at all. The formula that was unlocked is in focusing on the atomic level of the reusable code within pipeline stages. By harnessing the power of creating...

Derek Ashmore
Asperitas Consulting

Implementing DevOps Automation: Best Practices and Common Mistakes

Wednesday, November 8, 2023 - 11:45am to 12:45pm

Most organizations adopting the cloud have adopted DevOps automation to some degree or another. The primary reason is that continued manual maintenance isn't possible with the same staffing level and increased demand. In short, DevOps automation and cloud consumption are much more than just technology change. They require a fundamental rethinking of how we do things. It's common for DevOps team members to be negatively impacted by the changes others have made. It's common for team members to cause problems by making changes manually instead of through code. Derek has seen managers grow...

Thursday, November 9

Priyanka Halder
Oscar Health

Smooth Sailing: Navigating Release Management in the DevOps Landscape

Thursday, November 9, 2023 - 10:15am to 11:15am

Embark on an illuminating voyage with me ( Priyanka Halder) as we delve into Release Management's uncharted territory within the DevOps era. As a Quality Engineering Leader, I invite you to explore the synergy of agility and stability for triumphant software deliveries. We'll uncover strategies that steer us through challenges, nurture collaboration, and embrace evolution in this dynamic sphere. Unravel core DevOps principles, cultivate collaborative cultures, and refine robust release processes. Discover the pivotal role Release Management plays in bridging the agility-stability divide,...

Capital One

Building Hyper-Scalable and Cost-Effective Solutions with Serverless Cloud Technology

Thursday, November 9, 2023 - 10:15am to 11:15am

Cloud computing has become the de facto platform of choice for companies to deploy software that they build. Gone are the days when owning a data center was the only way to host critical, high volume and mission critical systems. As companies adopt the cloud and mature their cloud experience, they are faced with a variety of options to choose from. "Serverless" technology, which is offered by all major cloud providers is one such question faced by anyone who is adopting the Cloud. While it may seem quite attractive at first, there are many considerations to be made before an organization...


CI/CD with Github Actions

Thursday, November 9, 2023 - 10:15am to 11:15am

In this session, attendees will learn about building, testing, and deploying applications using Github Actions. We will explore diverse ways to trigger builds and test different types of applications. After this session, you'll be able to build, test, and deploy your software from GitHub using GitHub Actions. You will understand GitHub Actions Runners; YAML workflow syntax including workflow triggers, variables, job dependencies, conditionals, matrix builds, outputs; environments; secrets; and deployments including container registries & Azure. By the end of this session, attendees...


Testing Your Way Out of Microservices Hell

Thursday, November 9, 2023 - 11:45am to 12:45pm

A microservices architecture offers the fantastic promise of loosely coupled systems, independently testable and deployable. However, it can also present some significant challenges while conducting integration & exploratory testing. Since a single service will often not do anything valuable without several collaborator services, one typically needs to understand the way many services work together to effectively integration-test the system. This challenge can be viewed optimistically as well. By design, a microservice must at least provide some API interface, often making it easy to...

Eran Medan

Pipelineless Security

Thursday, November 9, 2023 - 11:45am to 12:45pm

It's 2023 and security still needs to earn some respect if they want to slide their Sec between Dev and Ops. Their tooling slows down deployment pipelines, typically finding more false positives than real bugs, usually in code written years ago, and often harming development velocity. To their credit, security teams will occasionally make concessions, like pulling long-running rules out of static analysis engines, but that means that the bugs those tools would otherwise find get caught months later in bug bounties, penetration tests, or security incidents. Bug reports for code you didn't...