Conference archive


Friday, April 28, 2017 - 2:00pm to 2:45pm

Prepare for IoT with a Mature Test Strategy

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As IoT devices increase the ways we personalize our digital world, they add the complexity of the conditions we encounter in the real world. How do we know that our devices will work as expected if we don’t even know how people will use them? A comprehensive test strategy that covers all aspects of your customers' user experiences, including mobile app and API services, helps prepare for the unknowns in new IoT technologies and devices. Paul Bruce explores ways to optimize automated test coverage for continuous integration so that you isolate and minimize defects before they impact IoT development. Learn how to use mocking services for mobile-to-IoT interactions to speed up prototyping and development cycles. Paul shares how capturing use cases, personas, and intended behaviors in the design stage helps downstream development and manual testing. Find out how to decide which tests to include early in the build verification phase and which tests you should automate. Take back new strategies and tools (CoAP and wiremock) to facilitate IoT testing and a template to develop a mature IoT testing strategy.

Paul Bruce
Perfecto Mobile

A developer evangelist at Perfecto Mobile, Paul Bruce focuses on the value of quality and velocity throughout the software lifecycle. Previously he worked as an advocate for API development and testing practices, and a full stack developer before that. Paul now writes, speaks, listens, and teaches about software delivery patterns in modern enterprises and key industries worldwide.