Conference archive

IoT Dev+Test 2016 - Leadership

Tuesday, April 19

Jaimee Newberry

Super Rad Brainstorming

Tuesday, April 19, 2016 - 1:00pm to 4:30pm

Ever had a brainstorming session that failed to produce the quality results you hoped for? Think you already have good brainstorming sessions but know there’s room for improvement? Facilitating Super Rad Brainstorming sessions for eons now, Jaimee Newberry is an industry leader in improving brainstorming skills and surfacing incredible ideas. Work together as Jaimee facilitates a dialogue-based session that highlights tips and tricks for making your own brainstorming sessions more productive. Learn what supplies to bring, how to prepare for a session, and how to handle common sticking...

Wednesday, April 20

Jim Whisenant

How to Build and Integrate a Framework for Testing Mobile SDKs

Wednesday, April 20, 2016 - 1:00pm to 1:45pm
You need to build or integrate test frameworks and standardize the test process for your Android and iOS native SDKs. Where do you start? How do you do that while delivering products for both platforms? How quickly can you learn the fundamentals of Xcode, Objective-C, Gradle, and Android Studio? These are just some of the questions that Jim Whisenant asked himself when he joined Brightcove’s mobile SDK team. While he was solving these problems with his team, Jim learned some basic salesmanship, psychology, and diplomacy—and became a better software tester in the process. Starting with these...
Jaimee Newberry

Designing for the future: What’s Your “Why"?

Wednesday, April 20, 2016 - 1:00pm to 1:45pm

Better and more meaningful results always happen when your team has clarity of vision around WHY they're doing what they're doing. "The Future” is about getting technology out of the way of our everyday functions and actions while using it to enhance lives in every conceivable way. We must be thinking far beyond what’s next. The process is almost always about people, and most people need to ease into change. As designers of software, we need to be thinking about what is several futures down the road and breaking that vision into baby steps that won’t freak people out or be “too much too...