Agile + DevOps East 2023 Concurrent Session : From Bottlenecks to Breakthroughs: Using AI in Performance

Conference archive


Wednesday, November 8, 2023 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm

From Bottlenecks to Breakthroughs: Using AI in Performance

Performance, a cornerstone of delivering high-quality software, is poised to undergo a seismic shift, and artificial intelligence (AI) is at the helm. Yet, as with many technological evolutions, there's a haze of misconception surrounding AI's role in this domain. Is AI merely an advanced tool, or can it redefine the entire engineering paradigm? Join Kaushal Dalvi as he demystifies AI's transformative role in performance. Drawing from real-world experiences and case studies, covering AI's potential in auto-generation of performance tests and predicting bottlenecks. Engage in interactive demonstrations and deep dives into AI-driven performance, offering both a conceptual framework and hands-on exposure. Whether you're a software veteran or a curious newcomer, gear up for a journey from traditional challenges in performance to AI-powered breakthroughs.


Since he got his first computer at age thirteen, Kaushal Dalvi has been interested in systems and software performance. He spent days researching performance characteristics of different motherboards, CPUs, GPUs, RAM, and disks to configure and overclock them in order to squeeze the maximum frames per second out of the games he played. Kaushal built and maintained websites for local businesses, where he started learning about performance and reliability. He developed a taste for it, and now ten years later he continues working in the same field as the director of quality and performance engineering at Ultimate Software, leading teams that deal with workload modeling, test scripting and execution, bottleneck analysis, debugging, and much more.