STAREAST 2023 - Test Leadership | TechWell

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STAREAST 2023 - Test Leadership

Wednesday, May 3

FORT Robotics

Debunking the QA KPI Myths and Make KPI Great Again

Wednesday, May 3, 2023 - 11:30am to 12:30pm

Everyone is focused on data and metrics to make major decisions. When it comes to software quality, KPI metrics can become a myth. Sometimes it works, sometimes you miss it. KPI metrics help determine the health of the product, as well as provide guidance for continuous improvement. In this session, Lisette will share what KPI have worked based on her experiences, and discuss how you can determine what KPI will work for your organization. Key takeaways from this session include:

Determining the purpose of QA KPI for your needsAdapting the KPI Metrics to your organizational...
Highlight Inc.

Implementing a Whole Team Quality Approach to Software Development in a Startup Environment

Wednesday, May 3, 2023 - 1:30pm to 2:30pm

Most startups are working within tight budgets and timelines. Getting the product working and out the door is the main goal, while quality tends to fall by the wayside. This can cause a backlog in needed testing, automation, and even added tech debt. Even when QA exists, there is often a “throw it over the wall” mentality. In order to tackle this issue early on at Highlight, we focused on a Whole Team Quality approach of software development. By looking at everything through a lens of quality, including business requirements, it has helped to ensure that we are releasing high...

Thursday, May 4


Eating the Elephant: Being the First QA

Thursday, May 4, 2023 - 9:45am to 10:45am

Congratulations, you have landed a position as the first QA Engineer at an exciting new company! Now what? Between trying to adjust to a new work environment and trying to establish quality driven rituals and habits, being the first QA for a new and/or small company can be a monumental and sometimes overwhelming task. In this session, we will discuss how communication, compartmentalization, and automation can make an immediate impact for your once QA-less team. First, we will examine how the simple act of being vocal and concise about risks and concerns can go a long way towards...