STAREAST 2023 Concurrent Session : Introduction to Test Orchestration

Conference archive


Wednesday, May 3, 2023 - 1:30pm to 2:30pm

Introduction to Test Orchestration

This session will be an introduction to test orchestration: the process, execution, and monitoring of automated tests to drive the quality of your product. It's easy to fall into the trap of thinking that will save us, but being successful at test automation often requires making changes to more than just how the tests are executed. We also need to consider our process/workflow around software testing. What's our branching strategy? When and where do we deploy? Who reviews the failed tests? And in addition to evaluating our process/workflow around testing, we also need to consider what we are doing to monitor and gain insights into how our tests are running. Why are your tests flaky? Was the test poorly written? Or did the test fail because the system-under-test wasn't performing well? In this session, we will provide useful, vendor-neutral tips for how you can better orchestrate your test runs. This will cover topics like:
- Which branching strategy is right for you?
- Should you run all the tests all of the time?
- What are some considerations when designing for parallel testing?
- How can you monitor to get a better idea of why tests are failing?


Chris Harbert's love of software test automation started around 2006 when he was doing test-driven development and pair programming in an Extreme Programming (XP) shop. Since then, he earned his MBA from the Robert H. Smith School of Business and went on to hold various leadership positions, including as a Director of QA and then later at the Executive level. He is currently the Founder and CEO of Testery, a company that orchestrates automated test runs that span multiple teams, frameworks, and services. Testery has helped teams from startups to Fortune 500 increase test coverage and improve their CI/CD processes, including putting in place solutions that reliably run more than a million tests per month across multiple teams and testing frameworks.