STAREAST 2022 - Agile Testing | TechWell

STAREAST 2022 - Agile Testing

Wednesday, April 27

Ebenezer Ikonne
Cox Automotive

Testing Thoroughly Requires Safety

Wednesday, April 27, 2022 - 11:30am to 12:30pm

Repeated software incidents led to system downtime, lost revenue, and a decrease in customer service. Team debriefs revealed that many of these incidents were preventable failures that occurred because (a) a lack of psychological safety on the team, (b) testing was considered the sole responsibility of testers, and (c) the team did not anticipate and prepared for what could go wrong. We first had to foster a psychologically safe environment where team members felt free to discuss obstacles to testing, such as a lack of environmental parity. A safe environment enabled the team to identify...

Western Digital

How SDETs & QEs Can Step Up and Empower Their Dev Teams

Wednesday, April 27, 2022 - 1:30pm to 2:30pm

Test automation and ensuring quality are traditionally the responsibilities that fall under QEs and SDETs – the PO defines & scopes the capability and business value, the developers create the feature, and then SDETs create the test automation and perform comprehensive testing to ensure high quality. Nowadays, this approach has become agile and iterative, but it mostly stayed the same - the SDET or QE usually carries most of the weight when it comes to testing and ensuring quality. It is now time to evolve the role that SDETs and QEs play to become that who empowers the team from...

Raj Indugula

Overcoming Gherkin Anti-patterns for Manageable, Durable, and Valuable Test Code

Wednesday, April 27, 2022 - 2:45pm to 3:45pm

Gherkin holds the promise of being an easy to implement and easy to understand tool for getting teams to be Test Driven. And it should be. But in our experience working with and coaching many teams, we have found significant differences between theory and practice. Too often, Gherkin scenarios result in test code that is difficult to understand, difficult to maintain, and not valuable. We will go over the following anti-patterns and discuss strategies to overcome them:

Scenarios that focus on UI implementation rather than expected behaviorScenarios that are too long and too...