Collaborating Effectively as a Tester to Anticipate Defects in Code Review
Júlio de Lima has lost count of the times he's heard people saying that he should start testing as soon as possible when working as an agile tester. However, no one told him how to do this practically. So he started thinking about how to anticipate his tests and managed to find a few ways: 1) Gather refinements and ask questions about quality risks, 2) prepare his testing strategy in advance, and 3) read the code and mentally compile the code and verify that the tests he planned would pass. Júlio can say that #1 and #2 helped him a lot, but #3 had a big impact on the software testing activity! He was able to find important defects that other experienced developers could not find even before running the software. Júlio gained their trust and respect, and when he had access to the software he was able to test it quickly, resulting in many reduced risks and confidence in delivery. In this session, Júlio will share the necessary preparation, challenges, workflow, benefits, and a step-by-step guide to replicate what he did in the organization.
Júlio de Lima is a principal QA engineer with ten years of experience in software testing. He's currently pursuing a master's degree in electrical and computational engineering with a focus on AI at Mackenzie University. Júlio has worked in all levels of testing: unit, system, and API integration (REST and SOAP), UI (desktop, web, and mobile), performance, and acceptance (UAT). He's implemented functional software testing automation process in many companies using tools like Selenium WebDriver and TestComplete, as well as nonfunctional automation testing using JMeter. Júlio has the following software testing certifications: CTFL, CTFL Agile Tester, CTAL Test Manager, CTAL Test Automation Engineer, CBTS (Brazilian certification), and SoapUI Pro. Sporadically, Júlio works as a guest post-graduate professor at the universities Uniasselvi (Santa Catarina) and Unicesumar (Paraná).