Agile + DevOps East 2023 - Quality Assurance | TechWell

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Agile + DevOps East 2023 - Quality Assurance

Customize your Agile + DevOps East 2023 experience with sessions covering quality assurance for software developers or testers.

Tuesday, November 7

Phil LaFrance

Supercharge Your Workflow: To GitHub and Beyond

Tuesday, November 7, 2023 - 8:30am to 4:30pm

Whether you are new or experienced with GitHub this class is for you! Supercharging your workflow caters to anyone who wants to enhance their Agile and DevOps process with the capabilities of GitHub. GitHub has long been the premier site for open-source projects and is now turning a pivotal corner into becoming the predominant platform for all aspects of the development lifecycle. Some examples of this include; protecting company code through various GitHub Products or curating marketplace actions and workflows prior to use. This tutorial will look at how to leverage GitHub Actions (CI/CD...


Getting Started with AI and Machine Learning

Tuesday, November 7, 2023 - 8:30am to 12:00pm

Are you a software professional who would like to learn to use AI and machine learning (ML), but don't know how to get started? One of the best ways to get into ML is by designing and completing small projects. Although you will ultimately need to understand the fundamentals of AI/ML, there's no reason why you can't learn foundational terms, concepts and principles as you put them into practice.  Join Dionny Santiago as he introduces you to the world of applied machine learning. Dionny will guide you through a series of ML projects end-to-end, enabling you to gain experience with creating...

Jeff Payne

What DevOps Means for Testers and Testing

Tuesday, November 7, 2023 - 1:00pm to 4:30pm

DevOps is more than a buzzword or a passing fad. It's a radically new approach to rapidly deliver high-quality software applications. However, many organizations don’t fully grasp the magnitude of this change or what it means for everyone involved in the software development lifecycle. Jeffery Payne says that DevOps—when done right—drives higher quality and efficiency into software development, software testing, and application management activities. It empowers teams to remove impediments to quality and productivity throughout the entire software lifecycle. However, when DevOps is done...

Wednesday, November 8

Lee Barnes
Forte Group

What Effective Test Automation is...And Why it's NOT Testing!

Wednesday, November 8, 2023 - 10:30am to 11:30am

In the frantic race to automate everything, one critical fact often gets overlooked…that test automation is NOT testing. Many organizations equate a comprehensive automated test suite with an effective software testing function. However, their definition of test automation is often limited to the automated execution of scripted test steps. Even in the best case scenario, this approach can give a false sense of security, especially when executing automated checks is the only “testing” that’s performed in the delivery pipeline. In this session, Lee will discuss why he sees the craft of...


Performance Testing and Engineering in Pipeline

Wednesday, November 8, 2023 - 11:45am to 12:45pm

As more and more organizations embark on modernizing their enterprise, and join the agile and DevOps bandwagon, it becomes but natural for the IT and Business teams to relook at their age-old legacy IT processes and align them with the modern delivery techniques. One of the first things that generally gets discussed in such a case from a testing standpoint is to implement a culture of shift left and testing in parallel with development. Harshad and Depen will take us through the essence of what that means from a performance testing and engineering standpoint and deep dive on the approach...

Nathan Hamiel
Kudelski Security

Addressing Security Risks In LLM-Based Applications

Wednesday, November 8, 2023 - 11:45am to 12:45pm

Large Language Models continue to grow in popularity as people experiment, applying them to problems and pushing new code into production applications. Growing along with this popularity is an engineering approach that advocates outsourcing more and more of an application’s functionality to these LLMs. But what seems like an advantage on the surface masks different costs and risks. Ultimately, you may end up with less reliable code that’s harder to troubleshoot and fix, accruing technical debt along the way. There’s also the potential increase in attack surface from integrating LLMs into...

Thursday, November 9

Prateek Singh

Chasing Predictability with AI: The Model of You Outperforms You

Thursday, November 9, 2023 - 8:30am to 9:30am

Usually, the first question a client asks about software development is: "When will it be done?". Traditional methods to answering this question are fraught with errors. The most common errors include heavy reliance on estimates and the use of averages to give a deterministic answer. What goes through your mind when you try to answer this question? Now imagine that we could take the same process that your mind goes through and model it? Get rid of the biases that we as humans have by using the data our systems already track. Advances in AI, combined with the rapid growth of data across...

Kevin Surace

Generative AI in Quality Assurance

Thursday, November 9, 2023 - 10:15am to 11:15am

The need for a new test automation model has been an imperative over the last 10 years as we have moved from waterfall to agile and agile to DevOps. Moving from test coverage to application coverage and reducing test time from months to an hour or less has created a substantial pressure for full success. Now AI in test is a reality. The first generative AI offerings in QA became available in 2018 and since then marked improvements have been made in outcomes. This has changed QA teams' focus, tasks, and work effort. With the ultimate goal of AI finding all our bugs, the advent of...