Agile + DevOps East 2023 Industry Presentation : How AI is Shaping High Performance DevOps Teams

Conference archive


Wednesday, November 8, 2023 - 11:45am to 12:30pm

How AI is Shaping High Performance DevOps Teams

Presented by: 
Faros AI logo

Join this exciting session where Vitaly explores the AI and data-driven transformation of high-performance engineering teams, with a focus on the profound impact this revolution will have on software engineering & DevOps. He anticipates a future where AI-native developers streamline development processes, reduce waiting times, automate code reviews, and enhance testing, leading to a paradigm shift in software creation, deployment, and maintenance.

Vitaly Gordon photo

Vitaly Gordon

Faros AI

Vitaly Gordon is the Co-founder & CEO of Faros AI. Prior to Faros AI, Vitaly was VP of Engineering at Salesforce and the founder of Salesforce Einstein, the world's first comprehensive enterprise AI platform.