STARWEST 2023 Concurrent Session : Inconceivable! How the Princess Bride Teaches Planning

Conference archive


Thursday, October 5, 2023 - 1:30pm to 2:30pm

Inconceivable! How the Princess Bride Teaches Planning

One of the most fantastic cult classics ever, the Princess Bride has many wonderful lessons to teach such as ‘never get involved in a land war in Asia’ and never lie to someone about the danger you know exists, or it might come and bite you on the shoulder. It also teaches a great lesson about planning by showing us a bad example and then a good example. The only difference in personnel is the leader. Planning is more of an art than a science. “Woo, hoo-hoo! Look who knows so much!” Mark Minson will contrast Vencini’s and Wesley’s plans, explaining why one failed and one succeeded and relate that to planning for our own teams at work. Attendees will come away with good planning principles to follow and an inconceivably good time.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Mark Minson is a Swiss-Army knife in the QA field. A certified Scrum Master with QA Lead and automation experience, he has also spent time doing project management and an assortment of other duties. He enjoys the challenge of quality and having fun in the workplace. Since going back to school for his Bachelor's degree in Software Engineering at 30 with 5 kids, he's been involved with QA automation and discovering the value of good process.