STARWEST 2019 - Mobile Testing | TechWell

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STARWEST 2019 - Mobile Testing

Thursday, October 3


Internet of Things: Changing the Way We Test

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Thursday, October 3, 2019 - 9:45am to 10:45am

The internet of things (IoT) brings connectivity to a range of previously non-internet-enabled physical devices and real-world objects. This shift has an impact testing—changing what we test, when we test, and the way we test. For one thing, once you’re in the real world, the number of possible issues explodes due to environmental conditions. Just like a race car must adjust its tires for different track conditions, IoT devices must account for environmental factors such as temperature and humidity to prevent unanticipated failures. Jane Fraser believes that for the IoT to be successful,...


Connected Cybersecurity: Stories from the IoT Hall of Shame

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Thursday, October 3, 2019 - 11:15am to 12:15pm

The amount of IoT software in everyday things is growing at an alarming rate. Some cars now have over 100 million lines of code. Software exists in everything from our home security systems and thermostats, our televisions and phones, our children’s toys, and our cars to the systems we rely on every day but don’t think about, like our water supply, electricity, and power plants. Unfortunately, the amount of security testing being done on these devices is not growing at the same rate, as evidenced in the so-called IoT Hall of Shame, which keeps a running account of IoT...


Make Your UI Tests Resilient with the Next Generation of Frameworks

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Thursday, October 3, 2019 - 1:30pm to 2:30pm

A big problem with test automation on any platform or operating system is synchronizing test automation interactions with the UI. It is challenging to know when the UI is ready for the next automated click(). Traditional black box tools try to address this problem by explicit or implicit waiting, but this technique is slow and error-prone. A new generation of test frameworks, starting with Espresso, understands the internals of the app and synchronizes interactions only when the view is ready, making the framework very fast and reliable. This same technique is making Cypress and...

Ultimate Software

Continuous Performance Testing: A Tale of Two Worlds

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Thursday, October 3, 2019 - 1:30pm to 2:30pm

Once upon a time, in a land far away, application performance was a differentiator in the market. But in today's competitive landscape, having a highly responsive and scalable application is a basic expectation. Performance no longer lives on the fringe of the quality world, and it is becoming more common for organizations to include performance testing as part of their CI/CD pipelines. However, engineers are faced with a common dilemma: Do they implement small and simple performance tests that may not be very realistic but are fast and reliable in the build pipeline, or do they...

Jennifer Bonine
PinkLion AI

The Impact of the IoT: What’s in Store for Testing

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Thursday, October 3, 2019 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm

No longer just a futuristic concept, the internet of things (IoT) has a strong presence in our world. If your business is not prepared for it, you’re already behind. With the proliferation of connected “things”—devices, appliances, cars, and even clothes—Jennifer Bonine says that the stage is set and IoT mobile apps are here to stay. Testers are now being asked to test on more complex devices and more advanced platforms, so they must keep up with the demand for new skills, new strategies, and an entirely new set of knowledge for testing IoT apps. Jennifer will review where we are today and...


Are You Ready for Your Digital Transformation?

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Thursday, October 3, 2019 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm

Many organizations have embarked on a digital transformation in order to stay competitive and gain market share. Whether it is enabling access to legacy applications via a web front end or a migration to the cloud, the journey is complex and requires comprehensive testing. To begin with, most systems use responsive web design to accommodate for the myriad mobile devices retail customers use. How do you test for interoperability across these multiple digital footprints? What about UI testing? ADA compliance? And many digital transformations make use of a microservices architectures using...