STARWEST 2019 - Containers & Serverless | TechWell

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STARWEST 2019 - Containers & Serverless

Thursday, October 3


Selenium IDE Is Making a Comeback—Can Codeless Testing Scale?

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Thursday, October 3, 2019 - 11:15am to 12:15pm

The rise, fall, and resurrection of Selenium IDE begs the question: Can codeless testing actually scale? Test automation folklore is full of horror stories of failed attempts to apply record-playback tools to perform UI-based functional testing. Putting these stories aside for a moment, let's take an objective look at record-playback tools and compare them with programming-based automation tools in order to evaluate their applicability to functional and visual test automation. Join Moshe Milman as he dives into a hands-on demo of the new Selenium IDE, reviews some of its new capabilities,...