STARWEST 2019 - Test Automation | TechWell

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STARWEST 2019 - Test Automation

Wednesday, October 2


Industrial-Strength Automation: When You Should and How You Can

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Wednesday, October 2, 2019 - 1:30pm to 2:30pm

You wouldn't buy a yacht to navigate your swimming pool, any more than you would paddle a canoe to Finland. The first is overkill and the second is dangerous. But we can't conclude that yachts are always overkill or canoes always dangerous; it depends on the context. The same principle applies to test automation. When a simple script is all you need, a full-scale product development effort would be overkill. On the other hand, you will encounter circumstances where inadequate planning or engineering discipline would drown you in a sea of noisy reports from tests that nobody is...

Angie Jones

What's That Smell? Tidying Up Our Test Code

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Wednesday, October 2, 2019 - 2:45pm to 3:45pm

We are often reminded by those experienced in writing test automation that code is code. The sentiment being conveyed is that test code should be written with the same care and rigor that production code is written with. However, many people who write test code may not have experience writing production code, so it’s not exactly clear what is meant. And even those who write production code find that there are unique design patterns and code smells that are specific to test code. Join Angie Jones as she presents a smelly test automation code base littered with several bad coding practices...

Thursday, October 3


Selenium IDE Is Making a Comeback—Can Codeless Testing Scale?

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Thursday, October 3, 2019 - 11:15am to 12:15pm

The rise, fall, and resurrection of Selenium IDE begs the question: Can codeless testing actually scale? Test automation folklore is full of horror stories of failed attempts to apply record-playback tools to perform UI-based functional testing. Putting these stories aside for a moment, let's take an objective look at record-playback tools and compare them with programming-based automation tools in order to evaluate their applicability to functional and visual test automation. Join Moshe Milman as he dives into a hands-on demo of the new Selenium IDE, reviews some of its new capabilities,...


Make Your UI Tests Resilient with the Next Generation of Frameworks

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Thursday, October 3, 2019 - 1:30pm to 2:30pm

A big problem with test automation on any platform or operating system is synchronizing test automation interactions with the UI. It is challenging to know when the UI is ready for the next automated click(). Traditional black box tools try to address this problem by explicit or implicit waiting, but this technique is slow and error-prone. A new generation of test frameworks, starting with Espresso, understands the internals of the app and synchronizes interactions only when the view is ready, making the framework very fast and reliable. This same technique is making Cypress and...