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Wednesday, October 2, 2013 - 11:30am - 12:30pm
Performance Testing

Rapid Performance Testing: No Load Generation Required

Load testing is just one—but the most frequently discussed—aspect of performance testing. Luckily, much of performance testing does not demand the same expensive tools, special skills, environments, or time as load testing does. Scott Barber developed the Rapid Performance Testing (RPT) approach to help individuals and teams with the non-load aspects of performance testing. RPT is fast and easy, requires no investment in tools or special skills, is applicable throughout virtually any development cycle by anyone on the team, and most importantly reduces the frequency of those performance issues that threaten, or even negate, the value of load testing. Through examples and case studies, Scott shares the RPT approach and grants you exclusive access to his “Top Secret RPT Tips, Tools & Utilities” webpage. Immediately following this session, join Scott in the TestLab for real-time demonstrations on applications of your choosing and for an opportunity to have Scott coach you while you practice RPT.

Scott Barber, PerfTestPlus, Inc.

CTO of PerfTestPlus and recognized worldwide as a thought-leader in software system performance and testing, Scott Barber describes himself as a “tester, author, speaker, disrupter, and dad.” Scott is the author of Web Load Testing for Dummies and co-/contributing author of Performance Testing Guidance for Web Applications, Beautiful Testing, and How to Reduce the Cost of Testing.

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