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Wednesday, October 2, 2013 - 1:45pm - 2:45pm
Test Automation

Model-Based Testing with Keywords

Model-based testing can be a powerful alternative to just writing test cases. However, modeling tools are specialized and not suitable for everyone. On the other hand, keyword-driven test automation has gained wide acceptance as a powerful way to create maintainable automated tests, and, unlike models, keywords are simple to use. Hans Buwalda demonstrates different ways that keyword testing and models can be combined to make model-based testing more readily accessible. Learn how you can use keywords to create the models directly. The results of this  "poor man's approach" to model-based testing are clean, concise test cases that are interpreted dynamically. In other words, the model executes the tests rather than generating the tests for execution by another tool. This allows the model to actively respond to changing conditions in the application under test. See this demonstrated with a simple state-transition model, written with keywords, that plays a game until all relevant situations have been visited.

Hans Buwalda, LogiGear

An internationally recognized expert in testing, Hans Buwalda is a pioneer of keyword-driven test automation, an approach now widely adopted throughout the testing industry. Originally from the Netherlands, Hans is the CTO of LogiGear, directing the development of the successful Action Based Testing™ methodology for keyword-driven test automation and its supporting TestArchitect™ toolset. Prior to joining LogiGear, Hans served as project director at CMG (now CFI).

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