STAREAST 2023 Women Who Test Session - Workshop: Taking Charge of Your Career | TechWell

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Friday, May 5, 2023 - 12:30pm to 3:00pm

Workshop: Taking Charge of Your Career

Building a successful career isn't something that happens by accident. It comes from deliberate planning and strategic goals and working on them. In this workshop, we will work on how to get out of your comfort zone and harness your personal values, and skill sets to custom design a career path as unique as you are. The segments in this workshop will help develop clarity and confidence about what you want, and then we will learn how to cut through the noise and create a level-up plan to turn a vision into reality. You will leave this workshop with a strategic framework for how to map out the next stages of your career that help you feel satisfied, successful, and like you are living your full potential!

Topics to be covered include:

  • Career Clarity - Uncover your zone of genius
  • Enabling your core competencies
  • Align and aupport your brand and career direction
  • Creating a career vision
  • Building a strategic professional network
  • Actionable level up plan
Sneha Viswalingam

Sneha Viswalingam is a Tech Leader in the Quality Engineering space. She shares technical knowledge by blogging, speaking at conferences, and podcasting. Sneha is a value-driven engineer with a deep interest in engineering technical solutions as well as building high-functioning, creative, and psychologically safe teams. Sneha created Code her Stories, a community for career level-up enthusiasts to help motivate, inspire, and retain people in technology. It's a YouTube podcast series where she interviews awesome people in tech about their professional journey, best practices, career advice, and so much more.