STAREAST 2023 Pre-conference Training : Performance, Load, and Stress Testing

Conference archive

Sunday, April 30, 2023 - 8:30am to Monday, May 1, 2023 - 5:00pm

Performance, Load, and Stress Testing

  • Understand the performance testing process: planning, preparation, execution, and reporting
  • Relate performance testing to the development process
  • Understand performance goals and objectives
  • Learn how to deal with environment and architecture issues
  • Define operational profiles and load definitions
  • Understand and select the various types of performance tests
  • Define and select appropriate measurements

In the Real World
This course provides an introduction to the complexities of software performance testing and delivers testing skills that participants can immediately apply back on the job. Using a real-world case study, you will encounter issues, decisions, and testing experiences comparable to those in your own work environment. Working through a series of discussion-based exercises—individually, in small teams, or as a group—you develop a workable strategy for performance testing an application/system. The focus of the exercises is on analysis of a situation and understanding the planning and design issues associated with performance testing. This course does not focus on problem analysis, tuning, debugging, or tools.

Who Should Attend
System testers, system designers, system tuners, software engineers, quality assurance professionals, and project leaders who are involved in systems testing can benefit from this course. A working knowledge of system testing and quality assurance fundamentals is assumed, but no specific technical background (e.g., UNIX, TCP/IP) is required. This course is for beginning to intermediate skill levels relating to software performance testing. This is not an advanced course dealing with specific tuning and assessment issues.

Course Outline

Imperative to performance test
Performance testing track record

Performance Testing Process
Understanding how performance testing fits the development process
Approaches to the performance testing process
Costs of performance testing

Identify Performance Goals and Business Goals
Gather background information on the situation
Develop an understanding of the situation
Validate the test project need and feasibility
Exercise: Understanding Goals

Infrastructure and Architecture
What must be part of the test?
Target platform and systems
Network configuration
Scalability and extrapolation
Exercise: Assessing Infrastructure Issues

Designing the Test
Defining the workload
- Transactions to be simulated
- Analyze factors affecting the load definition
- Exercise: Calculating Load Characteristics
Types of performance tests to be run
Exercise: Selecting types of Tests to Run
Refining measurements
Response times, resource usage, etc.

Test Preparation
Set up the test infrastructure/architecture
Acquire the test scripts and data
Set up the tools

Test Execution and Reporting
Validate the tests and the tools
Prepare for the test execution
Execute the tests and collect the data
Present conclusions and recommendations
Assist the technical team after tuning and
Reporting Performance Test Results

Class Daily Schedule
/Registration 7:30 - 8:30 a.m.
Morning Session 8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Lunch 12:00 - 1:00 p.m.
Afternoon Session 1:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Times represent the typical daily schedule. Please confirm your schedule at registration.
Training Course Fee Includes
• Digital course materials
• Continental breakfasts and refreshment breaks
• Lunches
• Letter of completion
Mark Tomlinson

Mark Tomlinson is currently a Performance Architect with a small fintech startup in Philadelphia and he is also the producer of the popular performance podcast PerfBytes ( His testing career began in 1992 with a comprehensive two-year test for a life-critical transportation system, a project which captured his interest for software testing, quality assurance, and test automation. After extended work at Microsoft, Hewlett-Packard and PayPal, he has amassed broad experiences with real-world scenario testing of large and complex systems and is regarded as a thought-leader expert in software testing automation with a specific emphasis on performance. Mark also offers assistance to customers adopting modern performance testing and engineering practices.