STAREAST 2023 Industry Presentation : Exploring the Intersection of Generative AI and Software Testing: Challenges and Opportunities

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Thursday, May 4, 2023 - 3:00pm to 3:45pm

Exploring the Intersection of Generative AI and Software Testing: Challenges and Opportunities

Presented by: 
MagnifAI logo

This session aims to explore the challenges of Software Testing in the face of the new paradigm of Generative AI and the potential benefits and risks it presents. It will cover topics such as the application of Generative AI in the generation of automated test cases, its use in identifying defects and improving software quality, and the future of Generative AI in testing. The conference aims to promote discussion, generate awareness and knowledge-sharing among professionals in these fields, and showcase the latest developments in Generative AI and its impact on testing.

Learning Objectives: 

  • Understand the key principles and concepts of Generative AI and how they apply to software testing
  • Learn about the latest developments and trends in Generative AI and their impact on testing
  • Discover best practices for integrating Generative AI into the testing process
  • Explore the benefits and challenges of using Generative AI for test automation and defect identification
Alejandro Stornelli photo

Alejandro Stornelli


Alejandro Stornelli is a Software Engineer with over 20 years of experience in the Software Development Industry. He has held various positions, starting as a Developer and progressing to Technical Project Lead, Automated Testing Practice Leader, and currently Global Head of Quality Engineering, as VP of Technology at Globant. He is passionate about applying the latest technology trends to the testing area, ensuring efficiency in the software development process and reliability in the final result of the implemented solutions.