STAREAST 2023 Concurrent Session : A Journey to Better Automation with the Screenplay Pattern

Conference archive


Wednesday, May 3, 2023 - 2:45pm to 3:45pm

A Journey to Better Automation with the Screenplay Pattern

Anyone who has spent time automating tests quickly learns that writing interactions is a challenge. People often struggle to write automation that remains reliable and avoids code duplication. The Page Object Model is a popular way to handle interactions, yet it still falls into some of these problems. In this session, we’ll take a journey with a simple C# search engine test to refactor its interactions from inadequate traditional ways to improved ones offered by the Screenplay Pattern. By the end, you’ll be able to use Screenplay calls with Boa Constrictor to make reliable interactions for better automation.

Sarah Watkins Headshot

Sarah Watkins is a Software Engineer in Test at Q2 where she works on an automated end-to-end web UI testing solution that continuously runs thousands of tests daily. She also shares her knowledge of best practices and good coding methodologies with other teams. In addition to this, she is a maintainer for Boa Constrictor, an open-source implementation of the .NET Screenplay Pattern. Sarah is passionate about doing quality work and applying her skills to make a beneficial impact on others. She is active in pursuing her Christian faith and enjoys spending time in the great outdoors.