STAREAST 2022 - Product Owner | TechWell

STAREAST 2022 - Product Owner

Customize your STAREAST 2022 experience with sessions for product owners.

Wednesday, April 27

Sysco Corporation

Automate and Measure the Performance of Customer Journeys

Wednesday, April 27, 2022 - 1:30pm to 2:30pm

In today's modern digital world, where Customer Experience is the key - Application performance – is in demand and a crucial success factor like never before. Traditional transaction-based performance measures are not sufficient to ensure a swift digital customer experience. Performance measuring of customer journeys has become vital as it builds confidence and reliability in the application/system under test. There are multiple challenges in measuring customer journeys' performance - diverse operating systems, devices, and geolocations etc., will account for hundreds of scenarios to be...

Thursday, April 28


How Do You Help Motivate Testers?

Thursday, April 28, 2022 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm

Anyone can do testing, but only good and motivated testers can do great testing. The mindset of a tester is different from that of anyone else in a software development team, and so are their motivating factors. There are special difficulties to confront in our undervalued field that we must be aware of if we want to keep the motivation of our testers high. In order to help testers grow, we must take proper care. I started out as a tester, led a team of testers, and now, I am leading test leaders. I want to share my experiences and the lessons my fellow team leaders and I have learned...