STAREAST 2022 - Security Testing | TechWell

STAREAST 2022 - Security Testing

Thursday, April 28


Raiders of the Lost AppSec

Thursday, April 28, 2022 - 11:15am to 12:15pm

Remember the Indiana Jones movies? For those in infosec and security trying to navigate these days seems a lot like those movies. For instance, right from the very start of the series, we are shown how defense-in-depth is not enough - or have you forgotten that Indy escaped with the idol? Or how about how many of us, trying to keep up with threats, can relate to Indy, when going after a truck, said “I don’t know, I’m making this up as I go!”? And can't we ALL relate to trying to find the Security Holy Grail to help manage and mitigate risk – and felt the pain and scars from someone...