STAREAST 2022 - DevOps Testing | TechWell

STAREAST 2022 - DevOps Testing

Thursday, April 28

Abraham Marin-Perez
Equal Experts

How to Manage Multiple Test Environments in a Hyperconnected Cloud World

Thursday, April 28, 2022 - 1:30pm to 2:30pm

The advent of the cloud came to give us testing superpowers: one properly configured Kubernetes file and one can easily spin up a bunch of Docker containers that faithfully represent the production environment. However, with ease of use comes abuse, and the proliferation of test environments is beginning to be a real headache to many organizations, both in terms of management and cost. Abraham has suffered this first hand, and from his experience at the trenches a number of strategies have materialized: universal feature flags, meta-automation, and test environment rationalization. These...