STAREAST 2022 - Artificial Intelligence | TechWell

STAREAST 2022 - Artificial Intelligence

Wednesday, April 27

Leandro Melendez

ALL the Ways AI Can Be Leveraged in QA

Wednesday, April 27, 2022 - 11:30am to 12:30pm

In these days of Machine learning initiatives where organizations are focusing on leveraging AI to ease the automation process, many others forget all of the other areas it can impact. Leandro will give you many other perspectives on how AI and Machine Learning can aid in test automation and the holistic approach to all the practices that make it possible to Assure Quality in our environments. He will show you how to leverage multiple areas from tracing, observability, test cases, defect logging, defect resolution, etc. Best of all, as usual, Leandro will turn the presentation into a light...