STAREAST 2020 Women Who Test Session - Breaking the Glass Ceiling and our Biases | TechWell

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Thursday, May 14, 2020 - 2:30pm to 3:30pm

Breaking the Glass Ceiling and our Biases

Gender bias exists not only in our workplace, but also in our personal lives. Companies and communities have been working hard to be more inclusive and diverse, yet this is a very difficult problem to solve. Why? Is it just a matter of time or can there be other factors involved? Let's take a dive into what is preventing women from progressing or reaching the top and how we can help bring the balance. To go beyond mere stereotypes, we will get familiarized with the basics of how our brain operates, how biases form, and other factors that contribute to a gender-biased system. We will work together to explore ideas and approaches like 'mindfulness' that can help us identify biased situations and also make us aware of our own biases. Use the techniques learned in this session to better deal with biases and hard conversations during your professional and personal growth—ultimately helping re-shape our future. What more can we do as 'women who test' to help build a more inclusive future? Get involved as a tester in the world of AI, through the initiative 'An Algorithm for Stories on Women' dataset challenge which is attempting to break the biases in AI systems.

Aprajita Mathur
Guardant Health

Aprajita Mathur is a mom, inventor, mentor and international speaker with an engineering background in Bioinformatics. She has more than 15+ years of software testing experience. She has worked on a wide range of products like instrument software, LIMS, integrated solutions and data analysis pipelines which are used in the fields of agriculture , transplant genomics, forensics and oncology. Currently she leads the Bioinformatics Software Test team at Guardant Health, which is a leading precision oncology company dedicated to helping conquer cancer through their proprietary blood tests, vast data sets, and advanced analytics. She also leads the chapter for “Women Who Test” in the bay area and hopes to grow this community. In her spare time, she loves to catch up on sleep and write new songs for her son.