STAREAST 2020 - Configuration Manager | TechWell

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STAREAST Virtual+ 2020 - Configuration Manager

Customize your STAREAST 2020 experience with sessions covering configuration management.

Thursday, May 14

Jaimee Newberry
Picture This Clothing

Tool Builders for Life

Thursday, May 14, 2020 - 1:00pm to 2:15pm

There is a secret power behind the tools we use every day to get our jobs done in the technical realm. Throughout our lives and careers, we can apply these tools to a host of problems that need solving, not only in our work but in our every day lives. In this talk, Jaimee will share how the practice of being a tool builder by trade equipped her with the skills needed to build a ladder to climb out of a very dark place and into a completely new career working with people she loves working with, doing the most fulfilling work of her life.

Aprajita Mathur
Guardant Health

Breaking the Glass Ceiling and our Biases

Thursday, May 14, 2020 - 2:30pm to 3:30pm

Gender bias exists not only in our workplace, but also in our personal lives. Companies and communities have been working hard to be more inclusive and diverse, yet this is a very difficult problem to solve. Why? Is it just a matter of time or can there be other factors involved? Let's take a dive into what is preventing women from progressing or reaching the top and how we can help bring the balance. To go beyond mere stereotypes, we will get familiarized with the basics of how our brain operates, how biases form, and other factors that contribute to a gender-biased system. We will work...