STAREAST 2020 - General Management | TechWell

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STAREAST Virtual+ 2020 - General Management

Customize your STAREAST 2020 experience with sessions covering general project management.

Monday, May 4

Upland InGenius

System-Level Test Automation: Ensuring a Good Start

Monday, May 4, 2020 - 9:00am to 12:30pm

Many organizations invest a lot of effort in test automation at the system level but then have serious problems later on. As a leader, how can you ensure that your new automation efforts will get off to a good start? What can you do to ensure that your automation work provides continuing value? This tutorial covers both “theory” and “practice”. Chris Loder explains the critical issues for getting a good start and his experiences in getting good automation started at a number of companies. The tutorial covers the most important management issues you must address for test automation success...

AI Appstore, Inc.

Testing Leadership IQ

Monday, May 4, 2020 - 1:30pm to 5:00pm

Have you ever needed a way to measure your testing leadership IQ? Or been in a performance review where the majority of time was spent discussing your need to improve as a leader? If you have ever wondered what your core leadership competencies are and how to build on and improve them, Jennifer Bonine shares a toolkit to help you do just that. This toolkit includes a personal assessment of your leadership competencies and the evolution of testing and testing leadership. Join Jennifer as she explores a set of eight dimensions of successful leaders, provides suggestions on how you can...

Tuesday, May 5

AI Appstore, Inc.

Testing Transformation: The Art and Science for Success

Tuesday, May 5, 2020 - 9:00am to 12:30pm

Technologies, testing processes, and the role of the tester have evolved significantly in the past few years with the advent of agile, DevOps, and other new technologies. It is critical that we testing professionals evaluate ourselves and continue to add tangible value to our organizations. In your work, are you focused on the trivial or on real game changers? Jennifer Bonine describes critical elements that help you artfully blend people, process, and technology to create a synergistic relationship that adds value. Jennifer shares ideas on mastering politics, maneuvering core vs. context...

Upland InGenius

Automation Framework Essentials

Tuesday, May 5, 2020 - 9:00am to 12:30pm

Automation is critical in today’s software delivery lifecycle, and yet many organizations struggle to keep their automation running. How can we mitigate difficulties and get consistent automation runs and results we can trust? The secret is implementing a solid automation framework, but that isn’t as easy as it seems. Chris Loder has built several automation frameworks over his career and has learned what works—and, more importantly, what doesn’t. This tutorial will cover what an automation framework is, the benefits of having one, and the keys to a successful framework, including...

Ultimate Software

Holistic Performance Testing for Modern Applications

Tuesday, May 5, 2020 - 1:30pm to 5:00pm

With the advent of frameworks like Angular, React, and Vue, the landscape of application performance has changed significantly in terms of testing and measurement. Gone are the days of measuring response time as a single value based on back-end performance. In modern web and mobile applications, additional layers need to be peeled apart at the front end to truly understand its performance characteristics. Traditional approaches to performance testing are no longer sufficient to provide a delightfully responsive user experience. Join Kaushal Dalvi as he details new developments in...


Quality and Testing Measures and Metrics

Tuesday, May 5, 2020 - 1:30pm to 5:00pm

To be most effective, leaders—including development and testing managers, ScrumMasters, product owners, and IT managers—need metrics to help direct their efforts and make informed recommendations about the software’s release readiness and associated risks. Because one important evaluation activity is to “measure” the quality of the software, the progress and results of both development and testing must be measured. Collecting, analyzing, and using metrics are complicated because developers and testers often are concerned that the metrics will be used against them. Join Mike Sowers...

Thursday, May 7

EPAM Systems

AI in Testing: A Moderated Panel Discussion

Thursday, May 7, 2020 - 11:15am to 12:15pm

Artificial intelligence is the newest trend in software testing. But what is it, and how will it impact the tester's role, both today and in the future? What do you need to do to embrace this emerging technology? Adam Auerbach will moderate this panel discussion—which will include Jason Arbon, Jennifer Bonine, and Tariq King—to give you an opportunity to hear the opinions of industry leaders about AI in testing. You will have a chance to drive the debate, so come prepared with all your AI questions.

State Farm

Integrated End-to-End Testing across a SAFe Environment in a Regulated Industry

Thursday, May 7, 2020 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm

Have you ever been in a situation that is new, with little historical reference or maturity, and oh, by the way, involves testing in a highly regulated industry? End-to-End Testing, whether automated and/or manual testing, can be a challenge no matter what industry you are in. With no magic formula to follow and no lessons learned, what data elements, resources and options can you leverage to get started? Join Anne as she shares the story of a two year journey in figuring out the integrated End-to-End Test approach, in a SAFe Environment, for a new life insurance and annuity...

Thursday, May 14

Jaimee Newberry
Picture This Clothing

Tool Builders for Life

Thursday, May 14, 2020 - 1:00pm to 2:15pm

There is a secret power behind the tools we use every day to get our jobs done in the technical realm. Throughout our lives and careers, we can apply these tools to a host of problems that need solving, not only in our work but in our every day lives. In this talk, Jaimee will share how the practice of being a tool builder by trade equipped her with the skills needed to build a ladder to climb out of a very dark place and into a completely new career working with people she loves working with, doing the most fulfilling work of her life.

Aprajita Mathur
Guardant Health

Breaking the Glass Ceiling and our Biases

Thursday, May 14, 2020 - 2:30pm to 3:30pm

Gender bias exists not only in our workplace, but also in our personal lives. Companies and communities have been working hard to be more inclusive and diverse, yet this is a very difficult problem to solve. Why? Is it just a matter of time or can there be other factors involved? Let's take a dive into what is preventing women from progressing or reaching the top and how we can help bring the balance. To go beyond mere stereotypes, we will get familiarized with the basics of how our brain operates, how biases form, and other factors that contribute to a gender-biased system. We will work...