Conference archive

STAREAST 2016 - Women Who Test Sessions

Friday, May 6

Jaimee Newberry

Design Your Life

Friday, May 6, 2016 - 8:30am to 9:15am

After more than 15 years of pouring her soul and passion into making empathetic and engaging products and product teams for some of the world’s most recognized brands, and absolutely loving her work, Jaimee hit a rock-bottom career burnout. Something she never expected would happen. In finding her way back, she began to explore what might happen if she put that same dedication she had poured into the products she made into her own life as if her life were the product she was designing and she learned some fantastic, useful skills along the way that made her life, her work and how she felt...

Melissa Benua
PlayFab, Inc.

When You're the Lone (Female) Voice of Reason

Friday, May 6, 2016 - 9:30am to 10:15am

With software engineering still dominated by men, it is not uncommon for women to find themselves alone on a team of men. Those who are test-focused can find themselves in the awkward position of not only being the sole woman in the ship room, but with the tough job of telling her peers they are not ready to go to production. Melissa Benua has spent many years as the lone female voice speaking up for code quality at companies both big and small. Learn from her experiences on how to be heard and taken seriously, with tips on how to be “the woman” without making the job about being female,...

Dawn Haynes
PerfTestPlus, Inc.

The Power of Collective Experience

Friday, May 6, 2016 - 10:30am to 12:00pm

Bring your biggest challenges to this session and tap the wisdom of others. In this immersive session, you will tackle some of the most widely mentioned challenges brought to light from the group. Whether it’s a software testing conundrum, a project setback, a management blocker, a group or team dysfunction or an interpersonal hurdle, all of these can slow our progress and reduce our effectiveness.  And when we hunt for options, we all have blind spots and biases that prevent us from thinking out of the box and finding new and different solutions. Typically the best ideas come from...

Tania Katan

It Was Never A Dress: How agile methodology inspired a project management software company to start a BIG conversation about women in technology and beyond!

Friday, May 6, 2016 - 12:45pm to 1:30pm

In an effort to break down barriers and shift perceptions of women in technology—and all spaces—Axosoft used their tech superhero powers of collaboration, cross-functionality, and agility to offer up a radically reimagined women’s bathroom symbol. This new symbol has started an international conversation that is picking up STEAM! Since the campaign launched in 2015, it has generated over 18 million impressions, received attention from every major media outlet, and is funding a scholarship at Arizona State University for a need-based student entering a STEAM (science, technology,...

Alison Wade
TechWell Corp.

Panel–Career Superpowers

Friday, May 6, 2016 - 1:30pm to 2:30pm

Let’s discuss and define the most important career superpowers for women.  Hear what industry professionals, leaders, and idea disruptors think the important career superpowers are for women in 2015 and going forward.

Panel: Tania Katan, the Curator of Code at AxoSoft and Melissa Benua, Senior Backend Software Engineer at PlayFab, Inc.



Building your Personal Brand for Success

Friday, May 6, 2016 - 2:45pm to 3:30pm
Building the right personal brand is one of the critical success factors in today’s workplace. Organizations develop a brand and image, but not many individuals think about their personal brand and how it can affect their career. As we interact with people, we want to influence them to support our efforts—approving projects, budgets, and funding; supporting our next career move; or recommending us for that promotion or raise we want.  As a professional, it is critical to understand how you are being perceived by your “target audience.” During...