Conference archive


Monday, May 2, 2016 - 1:00pm to 4:30pm

Better Test Design for Great Test Automation

When we discover—often late in an automation effort—that the automated tests are cumbersome and costly to maintain, we often view this as a technical problem for the automator to solve. However, an often-overlooked cause is the role that testers who designed these tests play in making automation scalable and maintainable. In this interactive tutorial for both testers and automation engineers, Hans Buwalda explores how better test designs will result in much better test automation and can make the difference between automation success and failure. See why successful automated testing is not so much a technical challenge as it is a test design challenge. Hans shares a template you can follow to get your tests organized and ready for efficient automation. Whether you work on a traditional or agile project, join Hans to learn about techniques—including action-based testing, behavior-driven development, and exploratory testing—that can help you achieve better test design and great automation.


Hans Buwalda has been working with information technology since his high school years. In his career, Hans has gained experience as a developer, manager, and principal consultant for companies and organizations worldwide. He was a pioneer of the keyword approach to testing and automation, now widely used throughout the industry. His approaches to testing—action-based testing and soap opera testing—have helped a variety of customers achieve scalable and maintainable solutions for large and complex testing challenges. Hans is a frequent speaker at STAR conferences and is lead author of Integrated Test Design and Automation.