Conference archive


Friday, May 6, 2016 - 8:30am to 9:30am

Creative Leadership for Creative Teams

As developers and testers, we're uniquely creative, we're inspiration driven, we obsess over every detail, and we can rarely turn it off. We are creatives, and we are different. We think differently, we perform differently—and we need to lead differently. Join Martin Ringlein for a rant, a rave, and a reality check on how to build and lead creative teams. Learn how to manage collaboration and fuel inspiration. Leave the Leadership Summit with not just data points and facts and figures about leadership, but how changing our perspective of the world around us results in more effective ways of leading creative people.

Martin Ringlein

Martin Ringlein is the CEO and co-founder of nvite, an online events planning software company. Previously Martin was a Presidential Innovation Fellow at The White House, leading teams around strategic innovation within the Executive Office of the President. His first company, nclud, a research and design consultancy, was acquired by Twitter pre-IPO. Martin went on to become Twitter’s first design manager, leading design and research teams within the engineering organization. Martin, who studied business management at Columbia Business School and Yale School of Management, has extensive experience building and managing creative teams, driving product and business development—and continuing to push pixels and commit code.