Conference archive


Thursday, May 5, 2016 - 9:45am to 10:45am

Quality Metrics: The Dirty Word in the Room

Is tracking metrics beneficial? What does it accomplish? How and what should be tracked with regards to software quality? Management wants software metrics to understand what the individual and/or teams are accomplishing and how they are doing with regards to management's expectations. Unfortunately, sometimes those metrics are used against the team and/or individuals. Join Annette Ash as she explores beneficial options to significantly increase software quality, excite all those participating in developing and testing software, and drive metrics tracking from within. Using static analysis tools, you can track unit tests, measure code coverage, set standards for coding, understand the testability, maintainability, and complexity as well as other areas within software quality. You can do this with open source software and minimal effort to implement. Join Annette to see why now is the time to use valuable metrics properly—to motivate and inspire software quality goals that benefit everyone.




Annette Ash
SolutionsIQ Consulting

A passionate, motivated, and driven IT professional, Annette Ash has thirty years of experience helping to build software development teams with an emphasis in software quality. She is currently a coach and trainer with SolutionsIQ. In the testing field Annette has seen and been a part of the constant changes within software development and test. She enjoys the benefits that come from empowering individuals and teams to succeed. The most rewarding part is the amazement these teams feel when they realize what they have accomplished in such a short period of time.