Conference archive


Wednesday, May 4, 2016 - 11:30am to 12:30pm

The Internet of Things in Action: Testing Anki’s OVERDRIVE Racing Game

As products like Anki’s OVERDRIVE race car game and others such as Fitbit and Skylanders pop up all over, we testers need to be prepared for the wave of Internet of Things (IoT) products. Although the IoT doesn’t necessarily require new testing methodologies, it does require creativity when it comes to the tools we need to get our testing and QA work done. Jane Fraser describes and demonstrates the tools Anki’s teams use to develop and test their games, especially OVERDRIVE. From test consoles that can change game parameters on the fly, to test fixtures that can change vehicles from race cars to track verification tools, she describes the software and tooling her company uses for testing—all the way from the factory floor to the living room. Jane demonstrates how they employ real-time video imaging to see the world from a device's perspective, ways to test bluetooth low energy connection reliability, and how to analyze battery efficiency. Come and discover how Anki is keeping up with IoT technology innovations and getting there testing job done at the same time.

Anki, Inc.

Jane Fraser has managed tests groups from just herself to a team of 120. Her focus is in developing testers into key members of the community with true influence on the product and process. Jane has spent the past twenty years on a span of projects including publishing programs, web/e-commerce, games, big data, mobile, e-ticketing and robotics. As test director at Anki, a robotics and artificial intelligence company, she is managing the test team on the hit robotic battle racing game, Anki OVERDRIVE. Jane has spoken at several testing conferences and loves being able to “play” with hi-tech toys for a living.