Conference archive


Thursday, May 5, 2016 - 11:15am to 12:15pm

Boost Test Coverage with Automated Visual Testing

Joe Colantonio shares how combining your existing automated tests with scalable automated visual testing can help you dramatically increase coverage, reduce maintenance, and substantially boost test robustness, efficiency, and ROI. Joe includes real-life use cases—automating cross-browser UI validation, adding full UI regression coverage to existing automated tests, handling dynamic content in visual tests, and more—to help you release faster and better, automatically avoiding functional and visual regressions. Joe covers the basics of automated visual testing and includes a demo of adding visual regression and cross-browser layout testing to existing automated tests using Applitools’ Eyes. Learn tips and best practices on how to scale your automated tests and successfully perform large-scale, automated visual testing ROI analysis of visual testing based on a real-life project. This presentation is especially valuable for teams practicing agile and continuous deployment with frequent builds and releases.


Joe Colantonio

A test automation architect for a large Fortune 100 company, Joe Colantonio has more than fifteen years of automation and performance testing experience. Joe is the founder of the popular test automation blog,, where he has been blogging bi-weekly for the past five years. He is the founder/host of, a podcast dedicated to all things test automation related, and author of the book The UFT API Testing Manifesto: A step-by-step, hands-on testing guide for the masses. Simply put, Joe’s mission is to help individuals and organizations succeed with automation awesomeness.