Conference archive


Wednesday, May 4, 2016 - 11:30am to 12:30pm

Anti-Patterns for Automated Testing

Patterns—proven, repeatable solutions to common situations that occur again and again—are commonly used in development and to a lesser extent in testing. In addition to patterns, various anti-patterns have been discovered. These are common responses to recurring problems that, while promising, are actually counterproductive. Hans Buwalda describes a set of such anti-patterns that he commonly sees in automated test design and that he feels inhibit scalability and maintainability. Hans discusses anti-patterns including Enter Enter Click Click, Interaction Heavy, Lifeless, Lame, Clueless and a number of others. Knowing these anti-patterns will help you spot potential bottlenecks that could make your own tests unnecessarily difficult to automate. Hans presents thirteen distinct patterns that you can look for in your tests. Feel free to bring in your own anti-patterns and situations you have experienced that you feel are counterproductive toward achieving manageable and maintainable automation.


Hans Buwalda has been working with information technology since his high school years. In his career, Hans has gained experience as a developer, manager, and principal consultant for companies and organizations worldwide. He was a pioneer of the keyword approach to testing and automation, now widely used throughout the industry. His approaches to testing—action-based testing and soap opera testing—have helped a variety of customers achieve scalable and maintainable solutions for large and complex testing challenges. Hans is a frequent speaker at STAR conferences and is lead author of Integrated Test Design and Automation.