Conference archive

IoT Dev+Test 2016 - iOS Development

Monday, April 18

James Dempsey
Tapas Software

Swift Programming: From the Ground Up

Monday, April 18, 2016 - 8:30am to 4:30pm

If you are an experienced developer who is interested in the new Swift programming language, this hands-on workshop is for you. James Dempsey will introduce you to Swift from the ground up, as you learn both the syntax and concepts hands-on. We’ll start with the basics and then build on them to come up to speed quickly on the most recent version of Swift. You’ll learn fundamental pieces of Swift, starting with defining functions, control-flow, using String and Int values, and collections like Dictionary and Array. James then introduces the rich set of Swift types—classes, structs, enums—...

Tuesday, April 19

James Dempsey
Tapas Software

iOS and Swift Quick Start: The Fundamental Pillars of iOS Development

Tuesday, April 19, 2016 - 8:30am to 4:30pm

If you are an experienced developer who wants to get up and running on iOS development, join James Dempsey for this hands-on workshop focusing on the fundamentals. You’ll build two iOS apps while learning about the core tools, frameworks, and concepts you need to start building iPhone and iPad apps of your own. In the first part of the day James introduces the suite of freely-available Apple developer tools, focusing on Xcode 7. While learning the tools, you will build a simple app that teaches you techniques for creating user interfaces and connecting them to code. We’ll cover Swift...

Wednesday, April 20


Building Connected and Disconnected Mobile Applications

Wednesday, April 20, 2016 - 1:00pm to 1:45pm
Creating a great connected experience across multiple platforms is an essential element of great mobile applications. However, what happens when there is little to no connectivity—such as on an airplane or in some foreign countries? Does your mobile app effortlessly synchronize data when the device gets back online? Although users expect and deserve this type of behavior, James maintains that developing your own cloud backend and an API across all operating environments is time consuming and error prone. Even more, managing multiple projects, languages, IDEs, and continuous integration...

Thursday, April 21

Ellen Shapiro

Balancing New Tools and Technologies vs. Risk

Thursday, April 21, 2016 - 9:45am to 10:45am

Your engineering team wants to dive deeply into the newest programming tool or next generation technology for a mission critical project. How do you balance the promised rewards of a new language, software tool, or hardware technology with the risks of unstable software, hardware that does not work as promised, or new tools that are abandoned? Ellen Shapiro describes how the iOS and Android teams at Vokal approach all the new tools and technologies they evaluate. Discussing manufacturer-built and supported languages like Swift, cutting-edge projects like JetBrains' JVM language Kotlin,...

Jason Hagglund
The Climate Corporation

Scalable and Collaborative iOS UI Test Automation in Swift

Thursday, April 21, 2016 - 1:00pm
The maturity of mobile UI automation frameworks has lagged behind web automation frameworks, but Apple’s introduction of UI automation to the XCTest framework in XCode 7 represents a major step forward. We now have the UI recorder, a tool that enables us to quickly identify elements in our application and generate working tests. Test automation paradise, right? Unfortunately, tools like the UI recorder can produce long scripts full of repetitive code that is neither well factored nor maintainable. Although you can apply to mobile the Page Object design pattern, popularized in web automation,...