Better Software West 2018 - Improving the Team | TechWell

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Better Software West 2018 - Improving the Team

Thursday, June 7

David Horowitz

Conducting Agile Retrospectives That Drive Real Change

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Thursday, June 7, 2018 - 10:00am to 11:00am

Think about your latest retrospective. Were people interested and engaged, or did they complain and accuse? Did you leave the retrospective feeling like you learned something valuable, or were you simply there to check the retrospective off your list? Retrospectives are hard work, but effective retrospectives can have a transformative effect on your team’s performance and, ultimately, your organization’s ability to achieve its goals. Join retrospective expert David Horowitz as he explores tangible steps you can take to turn your retrospectives into the catalyst of continuous improvement...

Faye Thompson
Cardinal Solutions Group

It's All In Our Heads: Using Neuroscience to Improve Performance

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Thursday, June 7, 2018 - 11:30am to 12:30pm

Understanding how our brains take shortcuts to process all the data they take in can help us recognize when its happening, take measures to correct our course, and use that information to build stronger teams. This talk sprang from my curiosity about the intersection of neuroscience and organizational behavior. It is my hope that attendees will leave with the ability to recognize when they and their teams are using processing shortcuts, as well as some techniques for mitigating their impact. Learning Objectives: - Identify several ways in which our brains short cut processing in order to...

Bill DeVoe
Velocity Partners

Lean-Agile Learning through Games

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Thursday, June 7, 2018 - 1:30pm to 2:30pm

Most agile practitioners first learn agile by reading a book, attending a class, or attending local meetings. But learning lean and agile concepts works best when we're able to put some concrete examples and practice behind the concepts. By adding a set of games and exercises that teach and reinforce lean and agile concepts to our toolboxes, change agents can provide some practical basis for conversations both inside and outside their organizations. In this talk join experienced agile coach Bill DeVoe, as he shares two of his “go to” games. First, up will be The Name Game, a game that...