Agile + DevOps West 2023 Tutorial: Are You Building the Right Thing? Product Roadmapping for Outcome-Based Results

Conference archive


Monday, June 5, 2023 - 1:00pm to 4:30pm

Are You Building the Right Thing? Product Roadmapping for Outcome-Based Results


The world of agility and DevOps is focused on building it fast and building it right. But, are you building the right thing? Should you even be building at all? All too often the onus to identify “value” is on a Product Owner or Scrum Master. But, they are often without the support of a product strategy, and neither they nor the delivery team has a real understanding of expected business outcomes. The result? A disparate list of “must have” requirements that eventually end up with a go-to-market team who coordinates a release train based on coordinating operational considerations rather than actualizing business and customer benefit. In this tutorial, you will learn how to move beyond a product backlog to craft a value-driven speed-to-market strategy that aligns multiple stakeholders, validates your problem and solution hypothesis, and creates a Product Roadmap that conjoins customer journeys with incremental releases. And as always, there will be pictures of dogs.

Director of CX Enablement

Charlotte Chang is a Experience Director with nearly 20 years of experience in technology and product strategy. She enjoys working with executives, managers, and teams to create Systems of Compassion that provide a sustainable, humane, inclusive experience for all contributors throughout product development. Recently, her experience has focused on launching new products, marketing and brand management, and designing change within organizations. Previously, she has worked with companies across multiple countries, industries, and company sizes, performing every role on a delivery team: iteration manager, product designer, user experience, business analyst, developer, and tester. Ok…time for two truths and a lie: Charlotte’s work was featured in the New York Times, Charlotte has two cats, or Charlotte enjoys a quality high five. Come to a session to discover the truth!