An Agile-Not-Fragile Introduction to Microservices
NewThe microservices architecture provides guidance for decomposing systems into small, loosely coupled, independently deployable and scalable services. Microservices align well with Agile development and DevOps practices because they enable new increments of the system to be delivered earlier, more frequently, and even continuously throughout the lifecycle. However, as with all new paradigms, there are pros and cons that must be considered when transitioning onto a new landscape. Join Tariq King as he gives you an agile-not-fragile introduction to microservices. You'll learn the foundations of microservices and gain an understanding of related patterns like Event Sourcing and Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS). Through a series of live interactive demos, you'll get hands-on exposure to microservices via an open-source, full-stack, reference architecture that includes automated testing at every level. Whether you are just getting started or have already made the transition, this session will give you the knowledge, tools, and insights you need to be successful on your journey from monolith to microservices.
Tariq King is the Vice President of Product-Service Systems at EPAM, where he manages a portfolio that lies at the intersection of software products and services, and supports the business through technology consulting. Tariq has over 15 years' experience in software engineering and testing and has formerly held positions as Chief Scientist, Head of Quality, Director of Quality Engineering, Manager of Software Engineering and Test Architect. Tariq holds Ph.D. and M.S. degrees in Computer Science from Florida International University, and a B.S. in Computer Science from Florida Tech. His areas of research are software testing, artificial intelligence, autonomic and cloud computing, model-driven engineering, and computer science education. He has published over 40 research articles in peer-reviewed IEEE and ACM journals, conferences, and workshops, and has been an international keynote speaker at leading software conferences in industry and academia.