Agile + DevOps West 2023 Industry Presentation : Streamline and Turbocharge your Java and Big Data DevOps

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Wednesday, June 7, 2023 - 10:30am to 11:15am

Streamline and Turbocharge your Java and Big Data DevOps

Presented by: 
Azul logo

In this session, come and learn about the challenges with managing both your Big Data infrastructure (like Kafka or Cassandra) and Java applications. Whether you deploy into the cloud or on-prem or hybrid, there are ways to better run these types of infra and apps. In this session, we'll discuss some strategies for running Java faster and more stable.

Pratik Patel photo

Pratik Patel


Pratik Patel is a Java Champion and developer advocate at Azul Systems. He wrote the first book on 'enterprise Java' in 1996, "Java Database Programming with JDBC." An all-around software and hardware enthusiast with experience in the healthcare, telecom, financial services, and startup sectors. Helps to organize the Atlanta Java User Group, frequent speaker at tech events, and master builder of nachos.