Evolving QA for the Age of Agile
Do you feel like your agile efforts are continuously (pun intended) being stopped or slowed by QA? That is a common problem that several organizations need help fixing, not knowing that the source of the problem may not be (only) QA. Join Leandro Melendez as he takes you through the evolutions of a set of comic book mutant superpowers that our teams and organizations need to have quality in their software. In the talk, Leandro will guide you through the characteristics of genuine agile teams, some pitfalls they may be falling into, and much more on the organization's side. But as well, QA needs to evolve from the practices of the waterfall days and integrate them into the agile processes to boost the team's pipeline instead of clogging it.
Leandro Melendez is a performance testing advocate with K6-Grafana helping everyone to ramp up on their performance practices. He has over 20 years of experience in IT and over 10 in the performance testing practice where he served multiple S&P500 customers all over the USA, Mexico, Canada, Brazil, India, Austria, etc. Author of the popular performance testing blog Señor Performo where he curates a diverse set of learning material for performance testers and engineers. He is the producer and host of the Spanish language version of the PerfBytes podcast and the Señor Performo learning YouTube channels. Leandro is an international public speaker participating in multiple conferences, events and webinars, with keynotes, workshops and multiple talks on his belt. And last, author of The Hitchhiker's Guide To Load Testing Projects, a fun walkthrough that will guide you through the phases or levels of an IT load testing project.