STARWEST 2022 - User Experience (UX) Testing | TechWell

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STARWEST 2022 - User Experience (UX) Testing

Wednesday, October 5

Expedia Group

A Realistic Approach to Scalable and Cost-effective Cross-browser and Device Solution

Wednesday, October 5, 2022 - 11:30am to 12:30pm

Problem Statement: Current cross browser/device platforms are not built to handle the real scalability that software development design patterns require, in a cost-efficient way.

Most or all cross-browser platforms offer their services based on the number of parallel connections. The more connections you need, the more expensive it gets. Here you must choose quality vs cost. With the current providers, without spending in millions, you would not be able to implement shift left with full scalability. This is because the current platforms are not aligned to the best practices of CI CD...


Dos Oruguitas: Software Testers...and Everyone Else

Wednesday, October 5, 2022 - 2:45pm to 3:45pm

Disney's smash hit, Encanto, will be nearly a year old by the time STARWEST 2022 comes around, but my prediction is that we’ll all still be uncovering common threads between ourselves and the characters of this amazing film when we gather together in October. Software testers may find more similarities between Mirabel, Luisa, Camilio, Julieta, and others (you better BELIEVE we’re going to talk about Bruno!) than any other persona along the software development and testing lifecycle.

Learn the importance of knowing the characters (and gifts!) of this masterpiece you most align with,...

Thursday, October 6

ICE Mortgage Technology

Quality Assurance Legacy - 30 Years of Tips and Tricks to Make QA Easier

Thursday, October 6, 2022 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm

When companies are in trouble management starts cutting expenses. Quality Assurance departments, groups and teams are often viewed as “cost centers” and not “profit centers”; in other words, an expense that can be cut. Ensuring that your QA team and department runs efficiently and effectively will make sure that QA is viewed as a “profit center”, an essential part of the company, and not as something extra to be cut at the slightest hint of trouble.

Quality Assurance teams use various tools such as bug trackers and test case repositories. Many such tools are available and marketed,...