STARWEST 2022 Concurrent Session : A Realistic Approach to Scalable and Cost-effective Cross-browser and Device Solution

Conference archive


Wednesday, October 5, 2022 - 11:30am to 12:30pm

A Realistic Approach to Scalable and Cost-effective Cross-browser and Device Solution

Problem Statement: Current cross browser/device platforms are not built to handle the real scalability that software development design patterns require, in a cost-efficient way.

Most or all cross-browser platforms offer their services based on the number of parallel connections. The more connections you need, the more expensive it gets. Here you must choose quality vs cost. With the current providers, without spending in millions, you would not be able to implement shift left with full scalability. This is because the current platforms are not aligned to the best practices of CI CD pipeline like Fail Fast, Fail Often, Run Fast, Shift Left, etc.

The landscape is changing as well. For example, emerging “In App” browsers, country specific browsers, and the majority revenue generated by U.S companies is coming from non-US markets. Combine this with emerging new technologies like mac1.metal support in AWS, Container Orchestration, and we can build a a realistic solution to scalable and cost-effective cross-browser device solution.

Expedia Group

Throughout my 19 years in the Software Industry, I have worked as Test Automation engineer across various domains like network management, mobile, e-commerce, online security and online travel. Currently I'm working at Expedia as a Principal Software Engineer in Test, guiding all teams on the best practices of test automation, trying various new technologies for mobile, responsive automation, tools for parallelization, cloud based solutions for cross browser and device automation, api automation, and more. I like new technologies, and my current role gives me the freedom to continue to evaluate new solutions for various challenges in test automation space and implement them. I have contributed my share of work in the form of bug fixes to tools like TLB (Test Load Balancer), Cucumber, SeleniumGridScalaer, SimLauncher, etc. I mentor and create champions. I write, speak and present, that's the way I give back to the community.