STARWEST 2021 - Business User | TechWell

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STARWEST 2021 - Business User

Customize your STARWEST 2021 experience with sessions covering topics for business users.

Wednesday, October 6


Does Low Code Mean Low Testing?

Wednesday, October 6, 2021 - 2:45pm to 3:45pm

Low Code and No Code are new on the block. There are very much low code and no code platforms and the number of organization that use low code or no code is growing. And does low code or no code mean we don't have to test or have to test less on these systems? We will go deep into this question in this talk and explore the risks of low code and no code systems. This presentation will start with a short introduction in low code. We will explain what they are, how they work and will tell that the vendors promise us and that reality is. In the second part we will dive deep into the question...

Thursday, October 7


Don't Ignore the Happy Path—Know That It Was Never There

Thursday, October 7, 2021 - 1:30pm to 2:30pm

The allure of a "happy path" in testing (and in many other walks of our professional and personal lives) is strong. “A happy path? Sign me up!” you might say to yourself. Imagine yourself standing before two roads. One of them is well lit, maybe you’ve taken it before. Maybe you can even see the end. and you’re confident in what’s waiting for you there. The other road…is different in every way. It’s overgrown, poorly lit, and you can’t see anything past a sharp turn only a few steps in, leaving you with little confidence how long it will take you to walk it, and if you will even reach the...